How to properly store cigars

How do I keep my cigars fresh?

Proper cigar storage is crucial. If you do not store your cigars properly you may encounter some of the following problems: uneven or too rapid burn, harsh or bitter taste, broken wrapper, difficulty lighting or keeping the cigar lit, mold, and –oh horror of horrors!- tiny holes in your cigars, a sign of tobacco beetle infestation. You can prevent these problems by keeping your cigars below the maximum temperature of 73°F (23°C) and between 68-74% humidity. Ideal conditions are 70°F (21°C) and 70% humidity. Cigars kept outside of a humidor may last 1-2 weeks depending on your climate, but make sure that you keep them in a sealed plastic bag.

Choose a humidor that is large enough for the quantity of cigars you wish to keep and that has good construction and a tight seal. Most humidors will include a hygrometer and humidifier but you can also purchase these devices separately.

If you have purchased one of our humidors, please read the following tips:

  • At first, check the humidity level at least every two weeks to ensure that the humidity does not vary.
  • Once a month (more often in arid weather conditions) add distilled water to the humidifier.
  • Other sources, such as tap water, contain minerals and chlorine that can clog the humidifier’s pores and inhibit operation. 
  • Store your humidor in a cool, dry place to prevent mold growth. Avoid placing your cigars in direct sunlight. If the temperature and humidity get too high, cigars can develop a potentially damaging fungus or mold.
  • Another hazard of cigars stored in too hot or humid an environment is an infestation of worms called lacioderma. The worms lay eggs inside cigars and burrow out, forming tiny holes in the wrapper and metamorphosing into tiny, brown beetles. If you discover the presence of worm holes in your cigars, remove and destroy the affected cigars immediately, and then carefully inspect all the cigars in your humidor for signs of infestation.
  • To check if the hygrometer is reading correctly, use the salt method to test its calibration.

TIP: Do not keep your cigars in the refrigerator as it will suck out the moisture content of your sticks. Freezing your cigars is an extreme measure to be used only in case of bug infestation at the risk of damaging the cigars (but getting rid of the bugs is a victory of its own!).

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