The Don Pepin Vegas Cubanas cigar line is a classic cigar that was released by My Father Cigars founder Jaime “Don Pepin” Garcia before there was a My Father Cigars brand (or company). Although it rapidly became a popular cigar, the line’s status changed from regular production to limited-edition. In 2017, the Vegas Cubanas was re-issued as a regular release cigar. The cigar’s blend, which consists of a Nicaraguan Corojo rosado wrapper placed over a Nicaraguan binder and filler, has remained the same. Thankfully! Only the cigar’s branding has changed. Handmade in Nicaragua at the My Father Cigars factory, the tobacco used for this mild to medium strength cigar comes from farms owned and operated by the Garcia family.
Cigar Origin
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
Despite many decades of war and revolution in this Central American country, the cigar industry has thrived due to the hard work and tenacity of Cuban exiles to the land such as Plasencia, Padron, Oliva, Ortez, and others. Tobacco has been a force of social stability, and the country is now one of the principal exporters of premium cigars in the world.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Natural wrapper, also known as Colorado Claro, is light brown in color.
Nicaraguan Corojo
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Nicaraguan Corojo '99 tobacco originated as a wrapper leaf in 1999 in Cuba. The seeds of the original Corojo '99 seed were planted in Ecuador, and these in turn were transplanted to Nicaragua. The leaf is appreciated for its excellent wrapper qualities and spiciness.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Nicaraguan cigar binders are produced mainly in Esteli and Jalapa, both lands with volcanic soil and excellent climate for growing tobacco. Binders grown in Jalapa have sweet undertones. Corojo, Habana2000, Criollo, and Maduro binders are all produced in Nicaragua.
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
My Father Cigars
My Father Cigars manufactures handmade premium cigars in Miami and Esteli, Nicaragua. The company is owned and operated by Don Pepin, his son Jaime, and his daughter Janny. The "Garcia Family Industrial Park" located in Esteli, Nicaragua is a seven-acre complex with 9 buildings, over 1900 employees, where the Garcias supervise their cigar production from the tobacco field to the roller's table. Their Miami headquarters house 12 rollers that make all of the company's "handmade in Miami" brands.
Toro, Medium, Natural, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 20 | $174.00 | $155.95 FREE SHIPPING | $18.05 | 775 | In Stock Ships 12/16 | | |
Single | $8.70 | $8.30 | $0.40 | 40 | In Stock Ships 12/16 | | |
Robusto, Medium, Natural, from Nicaragua
| |
Box of 20 | $170.00 | $152.95 FREE SHIPPING | $17.05 | 760 | In Stock Ships 12/16 | | |
Single | $8.50 | $8.10 | $0.40 | 40 | In Stock Ships 12/16 | | |