The IGM 537 cigar is a premium cigar line that superbly captures the essence of premium cigar blending and making. The brand is made by IGM Cigars, which is a family owned and operated enterprise with Cuban roots. IGM takes a traditional approach to blending and crafting cigars. Their facilities are located in Costa Rica.
Cigar Origin
Costa Rica
Most cigars are manufactured in the Caribbean and Central America.
Costa Rica’s ideal climate and fertile soil make it the perfect environment for producing premium tobacco. Primarily used as a filler or binder, Costa Rican tobacco is gaining popularity as a wrapper too. Their exquisite maduro wrapper leaves are recognized for being full-bodied. Located just south of Nicaragua in Central America, Costa Rica has become a primary source of tobacco for boutique cigar makers.
Wrapper Color
Cigar wrapper color varies from green (Double Claro or Candela) to black (Maduro or Oscuro) with a full range of browns in between.
Natural wrapper, also known as Colorado Claro, is light brown in color.
Ecuadorian Habano
The wrapper is the last tobacco leaf to be rolled on the cigar, so it is the one the smoker will see.
Ecuadorian Habano wrapper has become one of the most used cigar wrappers in the market. Grown primarily by the Oliva family, this tobacco originated from Habano or H2000 seeds brought to Ecuador from Cuba. This leaf is rich and flavorful thanks to the temperate climate of Ecuador and the quality of its volcanic soil.
Costa Rica
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Costa Rica has a reputation of growing excellent quality tobacco. Costa Rican maduro wrappers have become more popular in the past two decades, with the majority being dark and maduro wrappers.
The binder is a full tobacco leaf that is used to roll the cigar, binding the filler tobaccos together.
Ecuador is the perfect place to grow binders, because it is located on the Equator and it has rich soils too. The weather conditions, with a nearly permanent cloudy sky, provide a natural shade, protecting the plants from sunshine and allowing the tobacco to grow thin and light. Ecuador supplies Connecticut and Sumatra type binders to many cigar factory in the world.
Costa Rica
Filler is the term used to describe the tobacco inside a cigar or the "guts" of the cigar.
Rolled by
Handmade cigars are completely made by hand from start to finish.
A balanced, medium-strength cigar that delivers a satisfying smoking experience with notes of spice, sweetness, and hints of coffee. Its Ecuadorian Habano wrapper drapes a dual binder made of Ecuadorian and Costa Rican leaves. The filler is composed of top-shelf leaves from Costa Rica. The IGM 537 cigar is known for its complexity and highlighting the fine tobacco that is grown in Costa Rica. The cigars are handmade at the IGM Cigars factory in Costa Rica.
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Box of 20 | $296.00 | $265.95 FREE SHIPPING | $30.05 | 1325 | In Stock Ships 09/28 | | |
A balanced, medium-strength cigar that delivers a satisfying smoking experience with notes of spice, sweetness, and hints of coffee. Its Ecuadorian Habano wrapper drapes a dual binder made of Ecuadorian and Costa Rican leaves. The filler is composed of top-shelf leaves from Costa Rica. The IGM 537 cigar is known for its complexity and highlighting the fine tobacco that is grown in Costa Rica. The cigars are handmade at the IGM Cigars factory in Costa Rica.
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Box of 20 | $356.00 | $319.95 FREE SHIPPING | $36.05 | 1595 | In Stock Ships 09/28 | | |
A full-bodied smoke that exudes noticeable notes of spice, earth, and a subtle sweetness. This thick, short cigar features an Ecuadorian Habano maduro wrapper draping a dual binder made of Costa Rican and Ecuadorian leaves along with a filler made of Costa Rican, Nicaraguan and Peruvian leaves. This unique four-nation blend offers a harmonious combination of flavors, aroma, and balance that will satisfy veteran aficionados as well as novices. The IGM 537 Limited Edition Rockets cigar is handmade at the IGM Cigars factory in Costa Rica.
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Box of 20 | $280.00 | $251.95 FREE SHIPPING | $28.05 | 1255 | In Stock Ships 09/28 | | |
A balanced, medium-strength cigar that delivers a satisfying smoking experience with notes of spice, sweetness, and hints of coffee. Its Ecuadorian Habano wrapper drapes a dual binder made of Ecuadorian and Costa Rican leaves. The filler is composed of top-shelf leaves from Costa Rica. The IGM 537 cigar is known for its complexity and highlighting the fine tobacco that is grown in Costa Rica. The cigars are handmade at the IGM Cigars factory in Costa Rica.
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Box of 20 | $356.00 | $319.95 FREE SHIPPING | $36.05 | 1595 | In Stock Ships 09/28 | | |
Robusto, Medium, Natural, from Costa Rica
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Box of 20 | $316.00 | $283.95 FREE SHIPPING | $32.05 | 1415 | In Stock Ships 09/28 | | |