United Cigars

United Cigars is a cigar maker that is known for creating excellent cigars that appeal to a wide range of tastes and budgets. They use the finest tobaccos sourced from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras, and Costa Rica. The cigars are handmade by expert rollers and undergo an intensive quality control process to ensure their cigars meet the highest quality standards. Their Firecrackers Series is United’s most sought-after and widely recognized cigar.  

Red Anchor by United

The Red Anchor cigar brand has a history that dates back from the late 1700s to the mid-1930s when it was finally discontinued. After a long hiatus, United Cigars purchased the rights to Red Anchor and launched a re-release in 2020 just in time for the brand’s 250th anniversary. With reimagined packaging and a reengineered blend and vitolas, Red Anchor cigars are composed of carefully aged tobaccos from three of the world’s top-tobacco growing regions. To develop the blend and craft the cigars, United Cigars worked extensively with the globally recognized Kelner Boutique Factory in the Dominican Republic. Red Anchor cigars are known for balancing potency with complexity and providing potent yet flavorful smoking indulgence.
  • Cigar Origin
    Dominican Republic
  • Strength
  • Wrapper Color
  • Wrapper
    Ecuadorian Habano
  • Binder
    Dominican Republic
  • Filler
    Dominican Republic
    USA Pennsylvania
    San Vicente
    Dominican Habano
  • Rolled by
  • Manufacturer
    Kelner Boutique Factory
Toro, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
Red Anchor Admiral 6 * 52
Box of 25$625.00
Ships 12/19 - 12/21
In Stock
Ships 12/16
Robusto, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
Red Anchor Captain 5 * 50
Box of 25$500.00
In Stock
Ships 12/16
In Stock
Ships 12/16
Double Corona, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
Red Anchor Commodore 7 * 55
Box of 25$750.00
In Stock
Ships 12/16
In Stock
Ships 12/16
Lonsdale, Medium, Maduro, from Dominican Republic
Red Anchor Gunner 61/2 * 43
Box of 25$500.00
In Stock
Ships 12/16
In Stock
Ships 12/16
Questions & Answers
Alejandro A  Any news on arrival?
Posted 6/5/2024   
  • NeptuneCigar.com  Hello, feel free to backorder this item! We are expecting it to arrive in the next 2 weeks.
    Replied 6/5/2024  
  • (optional)
Francisco Torvisco  Does this mean you'll get the Alfonso line soon? <3
Posted 2/7/2024   
  • NeptuneCigar.com  At this time we do not predict the Alfonso line will arrive at NeptuneCigar.com, but we have other great cigars made by Nelson Alfonso on our site like: Atabey.
    Replied 2/8/2024  
  • (optional)
7 reviews
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Chas J.12/10/2024About: Red Anchor Captain 5" * 50
Not what I was expecting after reading some of the other reviews. I have one more will let it rest for a bit.
Jason H.12/06/2024About: Red Anchor Gunner 6"1/2 * 43
This cigar is a little inconsistant but when it’s on, it is terrific.
Angel G.11/12/2024About: Red Anchor Captain 5" * 50
A potent and flavorful smoke that offers notes of cedar, espresso beans, cocoa, earth, and leather with a sweet maple and peppery retro-hale.
Patrick H.11/11/2024About: Red Anchor Commodore 7" * 55
Pretty decent cigar. I got the COMMODORE size. It wasn't spectacular in the beginning BUT when the 2nd third started, that's when I started really liking this cigar and it got better and better. Overall a good cigar. But for $27 good isn't good enough. I expected something different but in all fairness, I Like stronger cigars. I could see another person loving this cigar. This was Medium-Light imo. If you have $27 to risk, I'd say go for it. But again , imo there are a bunch better cigars for $27 or less.
Moe A.09/28/2024About: Red Anchor Admiral 6" * 52
My pick for the week was something I never tried before but it peaked my interest the moment I cracked the box open. The Red Anchor Admiral right from the start reminded me of the Padron 1964 Natural with how smooth the draw was and the amount of airflow. The slightly oily Ecuadorian Habano wrapper has that natural sweetness I crave. On the palate, the Red Anchor Admiral opens with a burst of woody and cedar notes, accompanied by a subtle sweetness that hints at dried fruit and cocoa. As I continued smoking the cigar notes of leather, pepper, and nutty flavors emerged making their presence known, providing complexity and depth without overwhelming my senses. The smoke is dense and creamy, leaving a pleasant finish with hints of spice and chocolate. The strength is medium to full, making it a satisfying cigar for both seasoned smokers and those looking to elevate their palate. Its transitions and balance make it an ideal choice for a leisurely evening smoke, pairing beautifully with a dark rum or whiskey. In summary, the Red Anchor Admiral offered a premium, flavorful experience with plenty of complexity that did not bore me and kept me wanting more, making it a must-try for aficionados who appreciate quality and are looking for something new.
Miguel E.06/25/2024About: Red Anchor Gunner 6"1/2 * 43
Impecable construction, great balance between coco, expresso and some vanilla. Some pepper in the retrohale. Love this cigar but at this price Bandolero beat it. Worth trying.
Alejandro A.02/24/2024About: Red Anchor Captain 5" * 50
The best new release of 23. So happy Neptune is now carrying these great cigars. The retrohale is divine. This a great cigar well worth the price of admission. Treat yourself