Caldwell Savages

The Caldwell Cigar Company is committed to producing cigars of the highest quality. Their Savages line sticks to this commitment in a refined manner. Crafted in the Dominican Republic, the Savages is a medium-strength cigar with a light-brown habano wrapper, Dominican binder, and a masterfully blended Dominican and Nicaraguan filler. The Caldwell Savages is a limited edition extension to Caldwell’s Long Live the King line, so if you run into these Savages, we suggest you get as many as you can because they won’t be around for long
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Questions & Answers
Matthew Gigliello   I think of buying Caldwell Savages but I never sampled them. Can you tell me about them? Can I buy a 5 pack or are they in any sampler packs?
Posted 3/9/2021   
  •  Hi, Matthew! This cigar is not available by the single/5 Pack at this time. Here's our description of the Savages Toro: A very refined blend, this Savage delivers a smooth, balanced smoking experience with warm woodsy, earthy, peppery and chocolatey notes. The Caldwell Savages is hand crafted in the Dominican Republic.
    Replied 3/11/2021  
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