This specially prepared sampler offers a unique tasting experience. Each pack comes with two Flor de Selva No. 15 cigars by Maya Selva Cigars. One is a vintage cigar that was handmade in 2012 and aged in a closely monitored, climate-controlled environment. The other one was rolled in 2022. Both feature a smooth Honduran Connecticut Shade wrapper, a Honduran Jamastran binder and Honduran filler leaves. Maya Selva Cigars created this extraordinary sampler to allow cigar aficionados the opportunity to compare and contrast a vintage cigar with a recently rolled version. This is one vintage taste test you do not want to miss. To make it easy to perform this taste test, Maya Selva removed the guess work and risks involved with aging a cigar. All you have to do is smoke the cigars. No further aging is required. It is recommended you smoke both cigars at the same time, alternating between them. However, you can smoke one cigar and then the other. The choice is yours. Either way, we suggest you write down your impressions and let us know in the comments how the taste test went for you. The Flor de Selva No. 15 2012-2022 Pack of 2 is a limited-release sampler and it is only available while supplies last (be sure to order more than one).