debonaire-cigarsDebonaire Ultra Premium Cigars were intimately developed out of the passion to experience the perfect cigar at the hands of Philip S. Zanghi III, founder of Indian Tabac Cigar Company and Daniel Sinclair, founder of Durfort Holdings.

Debonaire is the culmination of 20 years of research and development to produce the finest premium cigar on the market today. We incorporate the finest, darkest, air cured tobacco from the most superior tobacco crops of Central America and the Dominican Republic. Our gourmet tobacco is blended to perfection with the highest attention to detail so that the rich history of the past can be savored in the present. With every luxurious Debonaire® Ultra Premium Cigar you can taste the essence of a land steeped in tradition.

We employ an expert team of tobacconists with a combined experience of over 150 years who leave nothing to chance. We are highly critical of every aspect of production to ensure an exceptional cigar experience. The methods we apply from the hand-chosen seeds, growing, leaf priming, curing, selection of the leaf bunching and rolling clearly showcase our dedication to the artistic craft of first-class cigars. Our mission is to provide connoisseurs with the highest quality cigars by only providing Debonaire to reputable and trusted tobacco merchants, preserving the brand for many years to come.


First Degree  (4” x 44)


Sagita – Petite Lancero  (5.5” x 38)


Robusto (5.25″ x 50)

Toro  (6” x 54)


Belicosos (6″ x 54)

Solomone (7.75″ x 58)