Viva la Vida, created by Artesano del Tabaco and cigarmaker A.J. Fernandez, the cigars are rolled in Nicaragua from an all-Nicaraguan blend.


Viva la Vida, a new Nicaraguan cigar brand, was launched on the U.S. market in March. Created by Artesano del Tabaco and cigarmaker A.J. Fernandez, the cigars are rolled in Nicaragua from an all-Nicaraguan blend.
Viva la Vida, a new Nicaraguan cigar brand, was launched on the U.S. market in March. Created by Artesano del Tabaco and cigarmaker A.J. Fernandez, the cigars are rolled in Nicaragua from an all-Nicaraguan blend.

our speciality

boutique cigar company

It’s a boutique cigar company that mixes art, passion and flavor to enhance the cigar smoking experience.

25 years in business

We started our business 25 years ago with a small shop called New York Cigar Inn, in 2015 we sold our business to Casa De Montecristo and our journey in making cigars started when we visited Nicaragua, Esteli. 

A J Fernandez

We teamed up with A J Fernandez to blend and make our cigars.
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